585 Mohawk Rd W, Hamilton, ON L9C 1X5, Canada
43.232881302735, -79.91000930185
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
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We specialize in grooming the smaller breeds at TLC. Specifically, dogs that weigh 45 lbs or less, which is commonly the Toy breeds, Mini Breeds, and Medium Sized breeds. Both pure bred pedigree as well as mixed, can find a style that suite you and your dog’s lifestyle.
We ensure that our tools are always up to date and our equipment is top of the line. This enables us to style your dog in a professional and timely manner. Thus, returning our client’s dogs to their happy homes as quickly as possible.
Customer communication is vital at TLC Dog Grooming. Upon each visit to the salon, myself and my staff spend as much time as necessary to discuss style, medical issues, and each customer’s busy time schedule. Many of our dogs have medical conditions that must be identified and discussed with their owners. We want to know what your veterinarian recommends and suggest is the best method for care and maintenance of your dog. We also communicate to your when we see possible problem areas. An example of this is ear infections. If your loved one has ears that appear to be “angry looking,” swollen, red or full of hair that may be affecting the ears. Myself and my staff ensure that you are made aware, so that you can make a choice on whether you wish to investigate further with your veterinarian.
* We LOVE the big fellas, but regrettably I have had to put down my brushes, combs , and scissors for the bigger, heavier hair friends that I truly enjoy grooming. We can offer advise, support, and answer your questions or concerns, absolutely, we are there for you. However, I am physically no longer capable of servicing the bigger fur babies.
My parents were breeders of both Canadian and American championship Irish Setters, when I was a kid. My Uncles were into the Sporting breeds and I spent a fair bit of time following them around as I grew up. This is how the foundational work was formed. Watching, listening, observing the behaviour of dogs living in a natural environment and doing what they were meant to do.
I grew up in rural Ontario and life was about being close to animals and nature. After business college and a brief 6-year term as an Insurance Broker. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to maintain any kind of happiness or joy for myself in “The Cell.” I mean cubicle. They let me go, I just refused to behave. What felt like the biggest rejection and heart ache at the time, turned out to be the beginning of very bold and courageous journey for me.
I took my two dogs I cared for at the time for a long walk in the woods and the three of us had a good long chat. Me tossing sticks into the stream, them willingly and joyfully retrieving after each toss. I asked, “what am I doing when I am the happiest?” The answer was quick and simple. I was happiest when I was with them, my two fur kids, Beau and Sadie.
I knew from that moment, I had to create a business for myself that had something to do with dogs. That was the summer of 1992 and by the time the summer of 1996 rolled around, I had opened TLC Dog Grooming.
It’s been a steady growth since the beginning and the time has flown by at lightning speed. I have always been committed to educating my clients by sharing stories, giving seminars and volunteering in the community.
I have noted a common theme over the years and that is dog owners often struggle with common or similar challenges. They arrive in my salon with a lot of questions, they are often frustrated, at times they are confused and sometimes they are embarrassed. There is a common thread to most of their dog related problems.
I have decided to do something that will assist dog owners other than just my one on one clients. I want to talk about these problems and show folks what they can do to eliminate their grooming woes. I help dog owners learn how to care for their dogs at home so that they no longer feel embarrassed when they do show up at the grooming salon. I help dog owners gain a better understanding of how to care for and maintain their dog’s coat, so that they can feel confident that their dog’s grooming needs are always being met.
They learn how to brush and comb and what tools to buy. They have a better understanding of how to hold their dogs in supportive ways so that their time spent grooming at home is an experience of mutual trust and respect. My goal is to give dog owners the encouragement and insight into what it is that they specifically need to do to care for their dog at home on their own. Whether they are an existing client and I see them several times a year? Or they are looking for support between grooming visits, or they are 100% DIY’ers. I have wisdom and experience to share with you.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for the Trust.