181 Charlton Avenue West Hamilton, ON L8P 2C9
43.251785101435, -79.881099244178
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First Hamilton CRC is a popular choice for weddings because of our downtown location, beautiful sanctuary, traditional layout, and center aisle. There are so many way to get involved, get connected, and join in the work that God is doing through our church. Where can you use your gifts? Join us on Sunday morning to fill out a volunteer card or talk to someone about getting involved.
Visit Us: Join us on Sunday mornings as we gather as a community for about two hours to worship God and talk together over a cup of coffee.
Join Us: Make commitments about how you will live in community with others in response to what God has done in Jesus Christ.
Come In: There’s always something on at First Hamilton.
Ordinary Following: What does following Jesus look like in our ordinary, day-to-day moments?
Introduce Yourself: Before and after the service you’ll probably see a bunch of friendly people hanging out and chatting together.
Take the Step: Reach out and connect with us. We want to hear from you.